Click to request a complete quote including shipping,
Our on-line order/quote form will open in a new tab/window so you can continue to look at items while you
decide what you want to be quoted on. You can also email us at 
or call Jennifer toll-free at 877-739-1577 to let us know what you're interested in.

AUTOMATIC 18% OFF all POS and marketing materials for Menu Magic Subscribers.
Any promotional discounts will be taken off from the subscriber prices.

Unless otherwise indicated, quantity price breaks are per design, not per total items.

Please note: We're experiencing heavy traffic.  If you don't see everything on a page, please refresh or "ctrl+refresh".  Thanks for your patience!


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Pricing/Ordering for Other Campaign Pieces

Please go here for pricing on stand-alone banners in the "DON'T4GET" campaign and here for pricing on reprints of the One-page Parent Letter and the Daily Choices Display Sheet.   We will gladly consider adding other items to the campaign materials, so please ask if there's something else you want.

We're very happy to offer our Menu Magic subscribers a substantial discount on these items. If you are not a subscriber, YOU SHOULD BE! Learn more here.

SHIPPING IS ADDITIONAL.  Please ask for pricing on larger quantities.

When the quanities listed below are gone, we can still get more, but the pricing may need to go up because we will be ordering smaller quantities.

TO ORDER BANNERS AND OTHER ITEMS, please email or call Jennifer toll-free at 877-739-1577. She'll give you a quote with approximate total shipping.

Shipping/handling is additional.  When possible, we will ship all of the items together.  Allow about 4 weeks for delivery, but ask us -- we may actually be able to get materials to you much more quickly than that.

TO ORDER BANNERS AND OTHER ITEMS, please email or call Jennifer toll-free at 877-739-1577. She'll give you a quote with approximate total shipping.