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Back to new regs introduction

Restaurant-Style Stand-Alone Banners
and Other Point-of-Sale Materials

Please go here for pricing on the stand-alone banners and
here for pricing on all other items


We've developed a logo and various POS materials for reminding customers of the new regs on the serving line -- as well as for making sure your facilities are ready for the next review!  The materials include (click the links to learn more):
  • Individual food-item stickers (use them all the time at very low cost per piece, and can also be given out to little kids to show they've had their fruit/veggie at school!)
  • Other items you might like us to provide? 

These are aimed at kids on the serving line.  We wanted to emphasize color and appealing pictures of fruits and veggies, and we also wanted to keep the message as simple as possible.  We realize that the regs are a little more complicated than the sign spells out, but we just need to give the kids the key messages in as few words as possible with bright, fresh colors.


Crucially, these pieces will emphasize the key message (i.e., take one fruit or veggie and at least three items altogether) at every stage of the serving process -- at the entrance to the serving area, at the place on the line where the items are chosen, and at the cash register -- even on the item itself, if you like.


We'd like to offer these for sales as soon as possible, but first we wanted to make sure we were addressing your needs with the logo and materials.  Please click through the links above and let us know what you think and we will post pricing and open the materials up for purchase as soon as the next few days.